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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Diary of an Unemployed Career Woman

I am creating this blog to track the progress of finding a job after unfortunate events left me unemployed for the first time in my life.  Since this is a completely new situation for me I thought I would track my progress, high points, and I assume low points in this search.  I hope that by blogging I will keep things in perspective and force myself to take responsibility of my future fate.

A little background information about myself.  I am a 30ish, career minded woman. Since graduation from college in 1999 I have been gainfully employed.  I was very fortunate to have been hired straight out of college.  I started my first job at a public transportation authority. The pay wasn't great, but coming from a girl who was only making $5.50 an hour, having a "salary" was wonderful.

After 6 years working for my first real employer, I ventured on to job #2.  Job 2 was a dream job.  I worked as the Marketing Director for a mall.  What woman doesn't was to spent 40 hours at a mall and get paid for it? The job was fun and exciting but the stress level was very high.  My employers expectations were unrealistic at times.  I would work night and day trying to make my facility the best it could be.  I wanted it to be the premier shopping destination in the tri-state area.  As hard as I worked the stress finally caught up with me and after 3 years I decided again to venture on.

Wanting to take a break from corporate life, I took a mindless job that paid terrible.  However I did love going to work each day.  After my brief hiatus I was ready to move back into corporate America.

The next job moved me from Pennsylvania to Texas.  Again I was the Director of Marketing and Business Development for a mall.  However this mall had many challenges.  The first being their location was in Midland, TX.  A town that's main industry was oil.  The town smelled of oil and who's motto was "There are no trees to block the view".  In addition there were many Spanish speaking residents, a language that I should have probably studied more when I was in college. Saying that I was out of my element would be an understatement.  So after a small stint, I ventured back to Pennsylvania.

Once I moved back home I started a temp job immediately.  I wanted to have a steady income and I figured a temp job would allow me to keep looking for a more suitable option.  A few months later I again landed a great job at a local casino. My primary job was to promote the casinos 3 dining outlets.  I worked endless days and night to coordinate banquets, events, and dinner meetings.  The hours were awful and the pay wasn't much better, however I was passionate about my job and my clients.  I excelled in providing the best dining experience in town. I took full responsibility for my guests from the date of booking until they paid their final bill.

Due to changes that the casino was going through, I wasn't confident that my position wouldn't be a casualty. So after a discussion with my supervisor, I decided to try a new venture.....and this is where my trouble began.

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